Children’s brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other time in their lives.
This is the time when the foundations for learning, health and behaviour throughout life are laid down. It is arguably the most important time to influence a child’s life chances.
In recognition of this powerful evidence, Winning Scotland partnered with Early Years Scotland to support early years practitioners – specialists who look after the social and educational development of babies and young children up to the age of five years old in settings like nursery schools – to empower children and their parents and carers in deprived areas to develop a growth mindset outlook.
In October 2021, in partnership with Early Years Scotland , Winning Scotland conducted a survey with 123 early years practitioners, two-thirds of whom had more than 10 years’ experience working in the profession.
It captured the change in attitudes to statements about learning and growth mindset prior to taking the course and upon completion.
Staff at Forehill Early Years Centre in South Ayrshire used growth mindset techniques to build children's confidence in numeracy.
Gillian Warlow, an early years practitioner at Forehill, took part in our Mindset Teams programme. It changed her perceptions of her own mindset, and helped her identify a range of activities to encourage children's number skills.