In an exclusive interview with IoD (Institute of Directors), Winning Scotland CEO, Zahra Hedges discusses the organisations core values, mission, and outcomes for the people that we serve across Scotland.
Read the full article here (pages 20 - 23) We are proud to provide our online Parent/Carer Resource for Parent Club Scotland to support children and teenagers in Scotland in improving their confidence and resilience. There are lots of practical tips and advice that can be embedded in everyday life to build happier and healthier children and teenagers.
Children – Teenagers - We are seeking a collaborative partner to refresh our website! Download the Invitation to Tender below for more details.
In the past decade, Winning Scotland has helped over 2,500 teachers and early years practitioners in a quarter of Scotland's schools develop a 'growth mindset' culture. Many of these educators have shared their experiences, and their quotes are included in this report to highlight their voices amid recent reviews in Scottish Education.
Our focus is to explore how growth mindset strategies can improve wellbeing and attainment. This report demonstrates how fostering a growth mindset in classrooms and schools builds resilience, self-efficacy, and self-belief, enhancing wellbeing for both teachers and students. Read the full report here. Dundee has been working hard to engage the community and make meaningful change for the futures of their young people through Planet Youth. Winning Scotland is delivering Planet Youth with partners across the country, and our CEO, Zahra Hedges was recent interviewed by STV about the ongoing work. As part of Winning Scotland's commitment to supporting and upholding Children's Rights in our country, Together in Scotland put a spotlight on our work and focus on wellbeing, health, and prevention.
As we continue delivery of Planet Youth in Scotland, the blog piece reflects on the highlights of the first National Learning Event that took place in Glasgow in March 2024. Read more here
Winning Scotland was privileged to have a conversation with one of education's most influential thought leaders. Santiago's inspirational work on liberating learning and its power to change lives is taking education by storm, seeking to understand how powerful learning can spread widely and bring back the joy to learning and teaching.
Below we have highlighted the key messages from Santiago for you to listen to! If you would like to have a chat with us about Santiago's work or how we can inspire your learning and teaching journey, get in touch. We're very pleased to announce the expansion of the Planet Youth in Scotland team with two new members!
Tom is our Strategic Development Manager, and Morgan is our National Delivery Manager. With progress across the country forging ahead, both Tom and Morgan have joined with experience, ideas, and plenty of enthusiasm for improving the lives of young people in Scotland. We are very proud to continue our existing relationships and welcome new ones in 2024.
The mission to empower people and inspire our future generations across the nation continues through partnerships and innovative ideas! 👏 Working towards a happier, healthier, and more confident population means Scotland is winning ❤️ Looking forward to sharing regular and motivating news with you over the year ahead! Miltonbank Primary School is one of eight primary schools in north Glasgow who have taken part in Winning Scotland’s ‘On Our Marks’ programme.
At the end of the most recent six-week-long programme of working with Miltonbank, Winning Scotland had an opportunity to speak to two teachers who took part, to find out how On Our Marks worked for them, what they had learned, and what they felt could be improved. Read more about the programme and download the case study here. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Intervention Responsive Team (PHIRST) funded an external evaluation of our Mindset Teams programme, which was undertaken by researchers from Cardiff University and University of Bristol on behalf of the PHIRST Insight team. We’re so encouraged that the report has found that our programme has made such a positive and insightful impact upon teacher and pupil mindsets, and how they can be changed. There will be further qualitative and quantitative evidence to share soon, but in the meantime you can download the short report and infographic below:
Winning Scotland CEO, Zahra Hedges joined the Charity Impact Podcast to discuss what makes our charity unique and how we plan to create systemic change for young people across Scotland.
Listen to the full podcast here The Planet Youth team have been visiting the Scottish Parliament to share progress on Planet Youth in Scotland.
Joe FitzPatrick MSP kindly hosted the event with Winning Scotland for MSPs to learn about pilot projects in 13 high schools across five local authorities.
Winning Scotland and Renfrewshire Council have worked in partnership to engage with 75% of schools in Renfrewshire – delivering mindset in education training to over 300 practitioners.
Renfrewshire Council were looking for effective approaches to raise attainment in numeracy and reduce the poverty related attainment gap. We've been delivering Mindset Teams programmes all across Scotland in 2022. Our impact report demonstrates huge shifts in teacher perception and confidence.
Our report presents a range of positive changes in the settings of 290 teachers across 24 Scottish local authorities. In May 2022 Winning Scotland conducted a survey of almost 6,500 Scottish school pupils, with representation from all 32 Scottish local authorities.
The survey sought to capture a snapshot of our children and young people’s attitudes towards mathematics. Click on 'read more' to access the full report, or view some of the key facts 'at a glance' in the infographic. Teachers and pupils from eight North Glasgow schools are celebrating a year of change and learning that puts PE and physical activity at the top of the priority list.
They’ve been taking part in On Our Marks, a project that has a vision to inspire the people of North Glasgow to be more physically active. Children involved in the project are enjoying a range of positive outcomes. In February, many Primary 1 and 2 children struggled with tasks such as shuttle runs and catching a ball. Now they can complete multiple tasks without difficulty – and they’re having fun in the process. Speaking about one pupil at Miltonbank PS, teacher Mrs Cochrane said: "On Our Marks has been very positive for her. Her gross motor skills have massively developed, resulting in increased confidence, being more settled and focused in class with a noticeable improvement in educational attainment. Perhaps the most significant and pleasing development is that she's interacting more with her peers at playtime". Winning Scotland’s new Applied Growth Mindset CPD course is now live.
It's suited to practitioners, school leaders and whole-staff teams. With exclusive video keynotes from world-leading mindset and education experts. The Applied Growth Mindset programme is Education Scotland endorsed and GTCS accredited. Teachers who have taken our Mindset in Education programmes have seen excellent results:
Courses are available with a focus on:
To find out more, or register for Applied Growth Mindset, visit Applied Growth Mindset - Winning Scotland Between March and October 2021, Winning Scotland surveyed 300 teachers from 30 local authorities across Scotland about their activity and attitude relating to growth mindset in education.
Their responses show that nearly all teachers (87%) are using growth mindset, and the vast majority (also 87%) are seeing a range of positive outcomes, including improvements in:
Headlines – what did we learn?
On Wednesday 19 January, education gurus Dr Jo Boaler and Cathy Williams of Stanford University will celebrate the achievements of 200 Scottish teachers, acknowledging their effort, commitment and ‘mindset’ during the pandemic.
Dr Boaler is one of the most influential educators in the world. Referenced as one of eight people “changing the face of education” by the BBC, she is the author of 18 books, including the global bestseller Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead and Live Without Barriers and is a White House presenter on women and girls. The teachers have all taken part in Mindset Teams, Winning Scotland’s professional learning programme to help education professionals develop a ‘growth mindset’ culture in their schools. The group includes cohorts of teachers from North Lanarkshire, the Northern Alliance and the South West Educational Improvement Collaborative. In addition, 71 teachers took part via the Education Scotland STEM fund programme. Helping children develop a growth mindset gives them a priceless gift – the desire to continually learn and improve throughout their lives. The catch-all term for decades of robust psychological research by Boaler’s Stanford colleague, Dr Carol Dweck, a ‘growth mindset’ enables children to:
Since schools returned in August, Winning Scotland have registered 290 teachers onto our Limitless Learning courses, in 106 nursery, primary and secondary schools across three local authorities.
Limitless Learning is a short-form, high-impact growth mindset CLPL approach, comprising 6x 60-minute online modules supported by 6x 60-minute complementary twilight sessions. Of the 290 teachers beginning their Limitless Learning journey, 205 are newly qualified and early phase teachers from Dundee and Aberdeen, with a further 85 teachers joining a numeracy focused cohort from Renfrewshire. The Dundee and Aberdeen teachers are the first to sign up for our new Limitless Learning curriculum specially designed to support teachers who have had the early stages of their career disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The launch of Planet Youth in Scotland in September 2021 was covered in the mainstream media.
STV ran this story on Friday 25th September:
Footage courtesy of STV
Laura Devlin, education correspondent at The Courier, also reported on the programme on 20th September, with an article entitled: From Reykjavik to Dundee: How local pupils are leading the way with Icelandic model of drug prevention.
View the full story here. For more information, visit our Planet Youth in Scotland webpage. Winning Scotland has formed a partnership with the University of Bristol and the University of Cardiff Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Team (PHIRST).
Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, the partnership will underpin an evaluation of our flagship ‘Mindset Teams’ programme, and ultimately understand its long-term potential to positively impact public health and children’s education. Mindset Teams supports the development of a growth mindset culture in Scottish schools in order to improve learning resilience for health and education outcomes. The programme enables teaching practitioners and senior leaders in education to work together to develop, implement and embed a growth mindset culture in schools to address pupil learning, wellbeing and ultimately attainment and inequalities. Our earlier findings suggest that Mindset Teams positively impacts teacher perceptions and improve pupil attitudes, but the PHIRST evaluation takes a closer look at the longer term impact. Can Mindset Teams help reduce the poverty gap and improve health? Winning Scotland are delighted to announce the appointment of Zahra Hedges as our new CEO.
Zahra will step into the role previously held by Morag Arnot, who has led Winning Scotland as our executive director since 2013. Zahra has more than 15 years’ leadership and management experience in the public, private and third sectors and we’re very excited to welcome her to the team. Most recently, Zahra was a senior policy advisor for the Scottish Government, supporting all 32 local authorities to roll out a community based mental health and wellbeing service for children, young people and families. Prior to that, Zahra worked for Community Enterprise in Scotland (CEIS), playing a key role in the latest iteration of Just Enterprise, the national programme of business support for social enterprises. Until last year she was Vice Chair of Social Enterprise Scotland and now sits on the board of SACRO as well as mentoring with Pilotlight and MCR Pathways. Winning Scotland’s Mindset Teams programme, a professional learning approach for both teachers and education leaders, has gained official accreditation from the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS).
Mindset Teams is our unique, immersive blended learning programme that supports classroom teachers and school leadership to work together in teams to create a growth mindset learning environment across subjects and throughout whole schools. In gaining the award, Mindset Teams is now:
August 2024