We develop, spread and embed best practice so that young people in Scotland have the best chance in life.
All of the Winning Scotland programmes follow our guiding principles:
1. Customising proven approaches for a Scottish context. Our work has been inspired by proven impact in countries worldwide, including the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland.
2. Building a sustainable model. Rather than work directly with children and young people, we ask the experts. Our programmes are designed to support and train those adults who have the biggest influence on children on a daily basis – like their teachers, families and coaches.
3. Thinking long-term. The programmes we develop have one of two end-goals. We either embed them into existing systems (like sport or education) or hand them over to a long-term delivery partner.
4. Knowing when to stop. Developing new approaches always carries an element of risk. We’re willing to take those risks for the benefit of Scotland’s young people. If something isn’t working, we will stop or change what we’re doing.
see how we make a difference...
Mindset Teams impact report 2022
Mindset Teams programme creating powerful impact in Scotland
Helping children be active at home and at school
Pupils reconnect with school after learning about growth mindset
Growth mindset raises aspirations of Dundee pupils
Growth mindset is building the confidence of Dundee pupils
A growth mindset partnership with Dundee City Council
Developing growth mindset with parents and carers
Mindset Teams Impact Report 2021
Mindset Teams continues to create impact during pandemic - infographic