We are Scotland’s leading provider of growth mindset training, with experience across a range of sectors including education, social care, sport and business.
We’ve delivered high-quality growth mindset training in multiple local authorities and to a range of organisations, including Hymans Robertson, Scottish Water, Barclays, Capricorn Energy and HSBC.
Best of all, every penny of income we generate from supporting your business goes back into our charitable mission to build confidence and resilience in young people.
Our formula
Our unique approach is a focus on instilling practical learning related to key elements of Professor Dweck’s research.
For example, understanding that practice makes perfect only when that practice is targeted and makes us push ourselves.
Or appreciating that making mistakes can be a valuable learning experience only when we properly analyse them in a judgement free manner and adopt specific strategies to avoid making them again.
Learning packages
Winning Scotland can deliver packages of growth mindset training comprising some or all of:
Co-production: To ensure a customised experience, we will work with you to create a training programme that talks your language.
Online modules: We can prepare a tailored e-learning programme to help you and your team grasp the growth mindset basics.
Deep-learning ‘live’ workshops: We have a format that works - comprising research insights, real world examples and practical activities to embed learning.
Psychometric testing: We work in partnership with Matthew Syed Consulting to deliver ‘Mindset Advantage’ psychometric testing to measure beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
Follow up support: It’s as important to us as it is to you that growth mindset simply becomes ‘the way we do things here’. We’ll coach you through the process to enable long-term outcomes.
Train the Trainer: Our model is all about empowering people to ‘own’ mindset and make it effective and sustainable in their own environment. We can help you become the in-house experts and support ongoing cultural development.
What our clients say…
“Excellent presentation by Winning Scotland pitched very well for a business context. Interesting examples to illustrate the points raised and very inspirational overall.” Chartered Institute of Securities & Investments.
"It was a really interesting workshop with lots of thought-provoking discussions and ideas. Very helpful for me both professionally and personally. I highly recommend." Capricorn Energy plc
“One of the best I have been to - even though the foundations are in education so much of it made sense to me and I will be trying to encourage my team and family to use this path.” Smith & Williamson Investment Services.
“It was eye opening, I always thought I was in the 'growth mindset' category but when shown real life examples I was fixed mindset depending on the situation. It definitely made me think twice about how I perceive negative feedback and failures, and how they can actually help in the long run.” Hymans Robertson LLP